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The Seasons of Life

Recently, I turned 35. As my birthday approached I couldn’t help but worry about things, like, they’re gonna see my wrinkles! Oh God, I’m losing my filter, and, I can’t shop in the juniors section anymore. Ah, the seasons of life.

I’ve come to terms, however, with the fact that a new season can be a really good thing.

If you’ve been with me long enough you know I started blogging under a site called “Live for the Season,” and that I wrote a lot surrounding the season we were in. There were recipes, home décor, thoughts, laughs, and more.

Celebrating and living in the seasons has always been an underlying current of inspiration for me, and I’m happy to tell you I’m bringing that vibe to the forefront again. Because it has become increasingly important to me just how much it also applies to the seasons of life.

The past three years have been a whirlwind of pregnancies, babies, and more writing, and, thanks to all these life changes, no shortage of material. But recently in terms of my own blog, I had begun to feel scattered, unfocused, and just a little bit off. Every time I tried to put out a post, inspiration became elusive; every time I thought I tapped in, she seemed to run the other way. Like a toddler about to have her picture taken, she wanted no part of me, would not stand still. Everything felt blurry, like I had outgrown my home.

And you know what? I did. What this means, is that I decided to move my blog here, to I packed up and brought all my past posts and other content right along with me here at my new home. Which, really, is all it is – a new home. Brighter, cleaner, and more reflective of who I am. A more encouraging environment for me to write about and share with you what is inspiring me at the moment. Sometimes that will be parenting, but it will also be those things I started out with at the very beginning.

Some seasons produce gorgeous flowers, an abundance of fruits, flavors, fresh air and singing in the rain. Others are stormy, cold, and can honestly really suck to get through. But there is beauty and life in each of them. And one thing is for sure: they eventually pass. I love the thought of making the most of them while we live them, and finding the meaning – even if it’s tough, even if I forgot my raincoat, even if my wrinkles are showing.

I have always particularly loved this quote from Henry David Thoreau:

Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit.

When it comes to seasons I also thinking of seasoning, that small amount of ingredient that goes a long way. I like to believe that we can add just a little bit of flavor and spice to the every day so that there’s no need for a mountainous overhaul, just a simple seasoning.

As for my fears of 35? They pretty much evaporated once I stood on top of that milestone and looked around. Like a good friend recently said: “As much as I want to hate wrinkles, there’s something to love about them. When I see them in the face of a friend it shows me her expressions, where she smiles, how she’s coming into her own. Where all the life is.”

So! I hope you love my new home as much as I do. Have a look around, stay a while. And as I pour you a drink to usher in this season, I can’t help but tell you, in genuine celebration: they’re gonna see my wrinkles! I’m losing my filter! And screw it – I’m still shopping in the juniors section.


Alessandra Macaluso is the author of What a Good Eater! , Lucy the Bee and the Healing Honey, and The Real-Deal Bridal Bible. She’s also a Qigong and Tai Chi instructor, and overall wellness advocate. Her work has been featured in several anthologies which can all be found on her Amazon author page, and she has contributed to The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, TODAY Parents, and many other online publications.

Alessandra is a northerner-turned-southerner, enjoying the south with her children, Penelope and Ciro, and her husband, Greg.

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