Holiday Home Decor Ideas: A Slideshow

The holiday slide show is here! Just like the fall one, hopefully it’ll spark some inspiration and get you in the spirit. And for even more awesome ideas and the holiday decor “how-to”, check your email for the FREE Holiday Decor Ebook! If you aren’t yet subscribed to this blog, enter your email over in the box on the right and a copy will magically appear in your inbox within a day.

What have you done in your home? Have a great idea you want to share? Send me a pic at and tell me how you did it, I’ll feature it here! In the meantime, pour yourself a hot toddie and enjoy!

festive potpourri with added ornaments…

 a holiday spin on our mantle, layering some seasonal items on top of “everyday” items – details in the e-book…!

these guys got a “boost” from some candle holders…

adding some jumbo poinsettias softens up the look and brings in more texture and warmth. play around by placing them at different levels

some jumbo ornaments find a home in and around a cozy basket

garland brings cheer to a console table…

love these guys…found a couple of them at Michael’s craft store for .50 cents each!

An everyday centerpiece gets some seasonal help from a bouquet of dollar store poinsettias, broken apart into pieces…

A couple of bows and a few berry sprigs later, and the entryway got a holiday makeover…

ornaments that I liked better here than on the tree…

grocery store cranberries and a wooden tray mixed with votive candles bring in a natural element

Tuck a few sprigs in a basket with pillows to cozy up a corner

Want more ideas? From simple ideas on how to spice up your home using things you already have, what to do with glass bowls, vases and jars, how to get the most out of the little things, and much more, download a copy of my ebook. It’s free! To get yours, simply just subscribe to my blog, or if you already are a subscriber, check your inbox and you should find it there. Happy Holidays!


Alessandra Macaluso is the author of What a Good Eater! , Lucy the Bee and the Healing Honey, and The Real-Deal Bridal Bible. She’s also a Qigong and Tai Chi instructor, and overall wellness advocate. Her work has been featured in several anthologies which can all be found on her Amazon author page, and she has contributed to The Huffington Post, Scary Mommy, TODAY Parents, and many other online publications.

Alessandra is a northerner-turned-southerner, enjoying the south with her children, Penelope and Ciro, and her husband, Greg.

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Great ideas here Alessandra! You really do the season up right!

Thanks Lori! I am going to @rula ‘s house later this week (she is actually my neighbor,) and we are going to have some fun with her decorations too. The little things make such a difference! Holiday music would be another thing, although I’ve found that I can definitely overdose if I am not careful haha….

Hi! I just read the whole decorating ebook and loved it! I like how you broke down everything because I was kind of wondering about how you layered everything. I am going to try out a few of your ideas (my in laws will be here and my parents and sister in law and niece and nephew are all coming to my house for xmas eve dinner and I really want to spruce the place up. Right now my problem is that I have all kinds of shiny cute things and then some old fashioned or earthy things, or just plain kids kind of stuff and I’m finding it difficult to balance them out, but I’m going to try! Thanks for the motivator and all the great pics and ideas!

‘@Ali Mac@rula

By the way Ali, speaking of which, is there any chance we can do it this week after work even though my kids will be home? I should have all nights free except Wednesday and Thursday. Let me know, I’m really ready now to have you over! I’m excited..but I also have a feeling that we will need a few more ‘sprigs’ or some cranberries or other fillers…should I go and try to pick some things out before you come (if you’re still up for it of course). Let me know! 🙂

Thanks so much Rula! I’m really glad you liked the book! And that the “layering” made sense, I wasn’t sure if it was coming out as it sounded in my head 😉 Take some pics, I can’t wait to see how it came out, I have faith you can make it work!!

‘@Ali Mac

Thanks Ali. I have to say I really tried and didn’t do HORRIBLY, but I didnt’ do that well either (I can tell because it confuses me and frustrates me and well…in comparison to other displays mine falls short, but somehow I can’t seem to work it). But there is a corner here or there that does seem to do the trick. I will take some pics for sure when I set everything up for the Christmas Eve dinner. Thanks!

‘@rshin giving it a shot is half the battle! Having a corner here be there come together is a big accomplishment in my book. I know sometimes with me too I can get frustrated and have to step away for a bit, or sleep on it… When you stop having fun, it usually doesn’t come out good. Def try again, I have faith in you! 🙂

‘@Ali Mac

You’re so right! If you’re not having fun then what’s the point? And it will never come out right! I am definitely ironing out some spots over the next two days. Thanks for the encouragement!

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